Thursday 15 February 2007

...isn't hiding your identity online a bit sad?

If the world wide interweb is meant to be the greatest advancement in communication since - I don't know - the voicebox; it seems a shame that its core users choose to hide their identities behind strange symbols and semi-intelligible names.

Whilst there is certainly a degree of exhilaration and emancipation in being able to adopt a different persona from your own, it can surely never be as satisfying as standing tall (or short) and saying, 'I believe this - judge me for it, I don't care if you agree.' In a world gone mad with PC terms for any identifiable characteristic, feature or belief, wouldn't it be more satisfying, more liberating, to stand visibly for something? To be judged for who you are and what you believe? To be accepted as an individual?

To that end I feel it is only right to tell you that I am not NoChildGenius, my name is Phil, I am 42 years old and run a marketing business; and I wish for a life on the ocean waves. Or am I?

Til next time...

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